June 20th was an awesome day! We had the opportunity to lead a group of young people, from World Changers and Convergence Church, throughout the busy streets of Uptown Charlotte and introduce them to a few of our homeless neighbors. They laughed, some cried, some prayed, hope was exchanged and days were brightened by the encounters that took place. Personally, I was impressed at how most of these young people were not afraid to have conversations, provide hugs and engage with our neighbors who happen to live on the streets. At times it takes the youth to show the adults how to treat others. We were able to provide 20 hygiene packs provided by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Dream Center and partner donations. These packs were filled with #snacks, #water, #toothbrushes, tooth paste, deodorant, lotions, sun block and other hygiene items. We look at these items as currency, which give us access to have hope-filled conversations with our neighbors. If you want to join us on hope pop-up, a serve day or a laundry day go to www.hopevibes.org to learn more.
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