#Repost from Ember CLT with @get_repost // Super excited to be partnering together 🥰 www.emberclt.org
I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes….
For whatever you did for the least of these, you did it to me. -Jesus, Matt. 25:37-40
Passionately believing that worship extends beyond lyrics and church walls, we created a facet of Ember called Purposefully Pursue. Every two years, Ember links arms with two local ministries, introduces you to their work in our city, and invites you to love and serve with us. In July, we introduced you to @congregationsforkids . Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to our second partner ministry for the next two years, Hope Vibes.
Hope Vibes Inc is an organization that ministers to Charlotte’s homeless population by providing hygiene packs, feminine hygiene products, clothing, tents, tarps and blankets.
Hope Vibes’ mobile shower unit, The #HopeTank, provides showers and a place to wash and dry clothes. Each homeless guest is ministered to one-on-one by a Hope Vibes volunteer who assists in washing his or her clothes and meeting spiritual and physical needs. A private shower, restroom and sink for each guest provide safety and comfort… and promote hope, dignity and a renewed sense of purpose.
There are so many ways to love our homeless neighbors. How can you help?
1. LEARN. Follow @hopevibes to take a virtual tour of the Hope Tank, discover greatest needs, and volunteer.
2. PRAY. Our homeless population continues to grow, and almost half of our homeless neighbors are women. Commit to pray for #Charlotte women who are exposed, abused, and #homeless.
3. PARTNER as a volunteer or donor. Donate hygiene products OR give a homeless woman the opportunity to take a shower, wash her clothes, and be loved and cared for by making a financial contribution at www.hopevibes/donate.
At upcoming Ember events, we will provide even more ways for you to love homeless women in our city…this is just the beginning.
May we as women extend compassion, resources, time and gifts to those women who are hungry, thirsty, homeless and hurting. #GiveHopeDaily